Dental implants can do a lot for patients as a method of tooth replacement. They’re capable of dramatically changing the way that patients feel about themselves, the foods that they’re able to eat, and their oral health outcomes in general.
However, lots of people are intimidated by the dental implant procedure itself. Thankfully, getting your new teeth is nothing to be scared of, particularly if you’re prepared. Here are a few tips to help you get ready for the day of your dental implant surgery.
Run Your Errands
Before the day of your dental implant surgery, there are often a few things that you’ll need to pick up. Your dentist might recommend antibiotics if they’re concerned about infection, or sedatives if you request them. It’s best to pick these things up well in advance of your dental appointment to ensure that you’re prepared well before the day of your surgery.
You should store these things along with any paperwork that your dentist wants from you and bring it all with you on the day of your treatment.
Complete Your Procedures
Often, patients will need to complete preliminary treatments before they actually get their dental implants. You might need bone grafts or gum disease therapy, for example, to give your new teeth the best chance possible.
It’s crucial that you complete all of the necessary preliminary appointments before you go for your dental implant surgery in order to maximize your odds of success.
Talk Extensively with Your Dentist
One of the best ways to prepare for your procedure is to talk to your dentist extensively about any issues that you have. They’ll be able to talk to you about what sorts of preliminary treatments that you might need, what you should bring to the day of your appointment, and how you can make sure that you’re prepared for the treatment itself.
With your dentist as a close consult, you’ll be able to make it through the day of your surgery without any issues.
About the Author
Dr. Paul Samia puts people at the center of his dental practice, which means that when you visit him to replace your teeth you can expect your needs to be at the center of everything that he does. He also knows how impactful well-placed dental implants can be and loves helping his patients make their smile complete again. Dr. Samia received his degree from the Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College and is a Fellow of the International College of Oral Implantologists.
If you have any questions about dental implants, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (919) 779-2818.