You Might Have a Bump on Your Gums Because…

December 4, 2024
Filed under: Uncategorized — samiafamily @ 8:40 pm
Patient explaining the details of her oral bump to her dentist

Waking up one morning to find a strange bump on your gums can be alarming, to say the least. You’d probably like to know what the bump is doing there, and whether you should be concerned. There are several possible reasons this growth has appeared on your gumline, and some of them are considered dental emergencies. For instance, you might have this bump because…

…An Infection Has Formed an Abscess

When a condition like gum disease causes empty pockets to develop in your gum tissue, bacteria can become trapped in those pockets. As pus accumulates, a small red bump may emerge along the inflamed gumline. This pimple-like growth is an abscess, and is a sign you need to see your dentist as soon as possible! Otherwise, the infection could spread to other parts of your body – which is also why you should not poke the bump.

…Your Gums Are Irritated

Is your bump white or a touch pinkish? Do you wear dentures or another type of oral appliance? Then you might have an oral fibroma. These lumps are noncancerous, and usually form because of injury or irritation. It’s possible, in other words, that your oral appliance doesn’t fit quite right, and is literally rubbing your gums the wrong way. Ask your dentist to check on the fit, and they’ll gladly assist you.

…There’s A Yeast Infection in Your Mouth

It’s as gross as it sounds; oral thrush, a yeast infection resulting from too much Candida growth, usually overtakes the mouth in cases of poor oral hygiene. The bumps have a distinct appearance – they’re white and can present as several patches or clusters throughout your oral cavity. You might also experience cotton mouth, inflammation, loss of taste, or discomfort while eating or swallowing, so it’s worth having these bumps checked by a dentist promptly.

…A Troubled Tooth Has Led to Cyst Formation

Cysts and abscesses are similar, but nevertheless different. A dental cyst forms at the base of a dead or not fully developed tooth, and is filled with fluid, not pus. They can cause severe pain or feelings of pressure. In extreme cases, they can also cause tooth loss by weakening the bones around your pearly whites. Needless to say, this is another type of bump you’ll want your dentist to see ASAP!

Not all oral bumps, lumps, and growths are dental emergencies. Still, it’s a good idea to visit your dentist when you find one, just in case. They can provide you with a professional diagnosis and treatment plan so you know exactly what you’re dealing with and how to take care of it!

About the Author

Dr. Paul Samia excels at creating personalized treatment plans for his patients, which is perfect for taking care of dental emergencies that could have several potential underlying causes, like oral bumps. You can trust him to diagnose your suspicious lump promptly and keep you informed about your treatment options. To contact Dr. Samia’s office, call 919-779-2818.

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